
Are you ready to feel your best?

Welcome to the first installment of the Holistic Health and Healing blog!

The purpose is to equip individuals with the tools to get to the root cause of medical conditions and empower them to live healthier and happier lives. With input from the top experts in the area, we will cover a variety of topics related to nutrition, health, and healing.

I chose the name of this blog with intentionality.


While conventional healthcare tends to look at only one bodily system at a time (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine, etc.), holistic healthcare acknowledges and treats the body as a whole. Holistic also refers to multiple fields of health and wellness working together to treat the root cause of illness (such as gut health and mental health). Medications are “bandages.” They are sometimes necessary but overprescribed. Only treating an autoimmune disease or a gastrointestinal disorder with medication is like putting a bandage on a jagged chunk of shrapnel in your leg. It might cut down on your bleeding but will do nothing for long-term relief. We have to remove what is causing the problem AKA treat the root cause.


Too often, we wait until something “goes wrong” before seeking help. This is often the case with our physical or mental health. Ask yourself: what am I doing to set myself up for a long and healthy life? Are you being preventive? The actions you take now will have consequences tomorrow. I encourage you not to wait until your health is so bad that you are “forced” to reach out to a healthcare practitioner. Start today in whichever areas of your life that you can go from “ok” or “good” to “great!”


Once you establish relief from your symptoms, how do you solidify your new level of health and wellness for years to come and prevent new issues from forming? This requires an individual approach that focuses on what your body needs. What do we need? Let me first ask you this? Do you think that diabetes is a metformin deficiency? Is constipation a laxative deficiency? Is depression an antidepressant deficiency? Of course not. Medications are short-term tools. What might our body be lacking then? Proper nutrition, a social support system, exercise, and more.

If you are ready to find long-lasting symptom relief using a holistic approach, please email me at nslinkardnutrition@gmail.com!


The Ultimate Anti-Inflammatory Diet Part 1